This is the time of the year when fashion enthusiasts usually welcome new collection as the seasons' change. However, with the whole world going through an extraordinary time that demands a change in every aspect of life, we are bound to see a change in fashion.
With the advent of the concept of ethical fashion, consumers all around the world are gravitating towards sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. They are consciously opting for pre-existing clothes which are in good condition. They no longer make purchases based on what's trending in the market. They do not hoard their closets but believe in minimizing the clutter and sticking to the wardrobe-essentials.
Choosing to use pre-owned clothing has transformed the fashion industry’s trends. It has significantly tamed the ever-growing demand of continually producing newer fashion products; thereby reducing the strain put on the environment for resources. Since the clothes are recycled and not dumped after their first cycle; the clothes are retained in the market cycle for longer periods of time than previously seen. This further reduces the amount of fashion waste that is dumped in the landfill every year. The clothes hit their optimum usage level before they make it to the landfill.
Writer: Harshit Parikh