Maharashtra has reached the benchmark of 101,000 cases of coronavirus. While Telangana is following the footsteps of Maharashtra. In such dreadful times, it is unlikely for hospitals to operate properly. While most hospitals have been occupied for treating COVID patients, about 50 hospitals in Mumbai have been allocated for treating non-COVID patients. There are over 153,000 registered doctors in Maharashtra, which makes the ratio with the COVID patients quite plausible. However, most doctors aren’t operating as the government has failed to give them adequate support and equipment. This has led to exorbitant prices being charged all across the city. The coronavirus test costs Rs.4,500; which is unaffordable for many residents in the city. While initially, it was door-to-door testing, it is now only at the centre, this increases the likelihood of people being infected as well.
In addition, most of these hospitals are charging unconscionable prices and are unable to provide beds to meet the number of cases. The average treatment for a person to recover goes on for 15 days, and the cost crosses 1.5 lakhs. And if a person is put on a ventilator then the cost increases exponentially. However, when asked about the treatment, it is said that medicines used to treat a normal cough and cold are used, which in reality don’t sum up to 1.5lakhs. However, it is a time of dismay and we must support people and doctors who are working relentlessly. The government has taken over many clubs and converted them into hospitals as well. Although, the government abandoned the plan to convert Wankhade Stadium into a COVID facility. The government also failed to provide doctors with substantial equipment in various hospitals leading to private hospitals and clinics to remain shut. Most of the dental clinics are also requested by the government not to operate.
Writer: Dorab Mehta