Following current situations around the world, NASA finding evidence of a parallel universe hasn’t really made global headlines. A parallel universe is the mirror image of an antimatter* universe extending backwards in time before the Big Bang. In simpler words, it’s a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own. This mirror universe is namely a CPT (Charge, Parity, and Time Reversal) symmetric universe or an ‘antiuniverse’. The ideology is that a universe’s inverse-self should also exist.
Now, let’s pursue the evidence found. During ANITA, a stratospheric balloon-based experiment in Antarctica, NASA scientists detected signals of extremely high-energy neutrinos** projecting upwards from the earth’s surface, with no source. Scientists around the world found this after-math impossible and proclaimed there must be a CPT symmetric universe. Media outlets, without further inquiry, went bonkers after hearing this and took it as the gospel truth. Some other scientists thought that these findings were dependant on exotic physics, which were first observed only recently in September 2019 by MIT.
The IceCube observatory based also in Antarctica detects neutrinos that pass through the ice. It consists of several detectors that are buried in the Antarctic ice to isolate themselves from cosmic rays and other background radiation. Sadly, detecting neutrinos isn’t a DIY home project, and needs extensive detectors. For every anomalous event (neutrinos) that ANITA detected, IceCube should have evidently detected several more, but in this case, it didn’t. To paraphrase, no one knows where these neutrinos that ANITA detected came from, which led to the belief of a co-existing parallel universe. One of the lead authors of the research paper on the experiment in question even tweeted “NASA has discovered that y'all should not be getting your news from the new york post.”
*Matter made of atoms with sub-atomic particles that have opposing forces to those in our universe - protons would have negative charges and electrons would have positive charges.
**Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are almost massless. They have a fractional spin and rarely ever react with the matter, which makes them awfully difficult to detect. They are the antimatter of neutrons despite having the same charge as them- 0.
Writer: Ariya Gupta